Algebraic Holographic Proof (AHP)

An algebraic holographic proof is a interactive proof where the prover sends oracles which are low degree polynomials and can be split into two categories: those that can be processed before the prover-verifier interactions and those that cannot. Closely related to polynomial IOP.

Algebraic Holographic Proofs are first defined in the Marlin paper [CHMMVW20] as a means to separate the information theoretic aspects of SNARKs from the cryptographic aspects. It is an interactive oracle proof with extra properties:

  • algebraic: an honest prover only produces oracles for low degree polynomials (just like in polynomial IOPs)
  • holographic: the verifier does not need to see the proof’s input (e.g. a circuit) but instead has oracle access to an encoding of it.

We use AHPs, polynomial commitment schemes and the Fiat-Shamir heuristic to construct pre-processing SNARKs such as Marlin and PLONK.

AHP or Polynomial IOP? Algrebraic holographic proofs and polynomial interactive oracle proofs are almost equivalent notions. They were developed concurrently in 2019 by separate research groups: the former by the group behind Marlin [CHMMVW20] and the latter by the group behind DARK [BFS20]. While they formalise very similar proof systems, polynomial IOPs are more general in that they do not require holography (as defined above).


[BFS20] Bünz, Benedikt, Ben Fisch, and Alan Szepieniec. “Transparent SNARKs from DARK compilers.” In Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2020: 39th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Zagreb, Croatia, May 10–14, 2020, Proceedings, Part I 39, pp. 677-706. Springer International Publishing, 2020.

[CHMMVW20] Chiesa, Alessandro, Yuncong Hu, Mary Maller, Pratyush Mishra, Noah Vesely, and Nicholas Ward. “Marlin: Preprocessing zkSNARKs with universal and updatable SRS.” In Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2020: 39th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Zagreb, Croatia, May 10–14, 2020, Proceedings, Part I 39, pp. 738-768. Springer International Publishing, 2020.